CODE 8 is a 2019 movie and is about an hour forty minutes long (1h 40mins). It's Genres are SciFi, fantasy, Action and a bit of Drama. It centres on the life of young supernatural man who dabbles into the world of crime to provide better living conditions for his family. Will things end terribly for him or will he get away with everything ? You should definitely find out if you don't already know.😉😉😝
In this movie , you'll get to experience hate ,anger , oppression , all of which are tied to the harsh living conditions of supernaturals in the city. And how wrong circumstances can push you into doing really terrible things. Something you'll be able to relate to especially if you're a Nigerian , living in Nigeria( 🤣🤣 it's not easy at all, trust me)
Going further , why I found this movie quite interesting was because of how the condition of the supernaturals in the city was so identical to that of Nigerians . With the only difference being that the condition of the supernaturals was born out of hate , while that of Nigerians was born out of the corrupt nature of our state government and lack of accountability. In both situations, there are no opportunities , no initiatives to prosper or excel. Harsh living conditions and it seem everything has gone to shit. This then pushes really good people into terrible situations that they eventually have no control over . The movie also sheds light on how the need to care for your family that's in a dilemma will push you to go to extreme lengths to make things better , as in the case of Connor and Maddy . You should definitely see the movie if you haven't.
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In this movie , you'll get to experience hate ,anger , oppression , all of which are tied to the harsh living conditions of supernaturals in the city. And how wrong circumstances can push you into doing really terrible things. Something you'll be able to relate to especially if you're a Nigerian , living in Nigeria( 🤣🤣 it's not easy at all, trust me)
Going further , why I found this movie quite interesting was because of how the condition of the supernaturals in the city was so identical to that of Nigerians . With the only difference being that the condition of the supernaturals was born out of hate , while that of Nigerians was born out of the corrupt nature of our state government and lack of accountability. In both situations, there are no opportunities , no initiatives to prosper or excel. Harsh living conditions and it seem everything has gone to shit. This then pushes really good people into terrible situations that they eventually have no control over . The movie also sheds light on how the need to care for your family that's in a dilemma will push you to go to extreme lengths to make things better , as in the case of Connor and Maddy . You should definitely see the movie if you haven't.
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